Christmas posting 20/12/2024 till 3/01/25 we will not be posting between these dates
Christmas posting 20/12/2024 till 3/01/25 we will not be posting between these dates
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Caridina Shrimp have a reputation of being difficult to keep or strictly for the experienced shrimp keeper. This is not true! As long as the water parameters are right (soft water with a PH of less than 7) they are colourful additions to your tank that are proving to be often more resilient than the popular Cherry Shrimp.
There are three colour variations of Caridina Shrimp: Red Bee, Black Bee and Snowhite / Golden Bee. Unlike Neocaridina Shrimp you can mix these colours in one tank without ending up with wildtype shrimp. Purists like to keep them apart to guarantee pure lines, but for the common hobbyist they can make for a colourful mix.
If you have any questions beforehand, don't hesitate to contact us- We are happy to answer any question and guide you through the process!
Ideal water parameters:
PH: 6.0-6.8
Temp: 19-23 C.
TDS: 110-180
When introducing them to their new tank, please acclimatise them slowly in a bowl over a period of several hours, mixing your tank water with the water they came in, slowly increasing the amount of tank water until you have a mixture of 1/3 transport and 2/3 tank water. After that net them out and put them into their new home. It is normal for the shrimp to lose a little colour during transport. As soon as they are in their new tank they will colour back up to their full intensity.
Live Arrival Guarantee
Shipping shrimp done right is very safe and uncomplicated. But even with the most care, deaths can sometimes occur. Should a shrimp die during transport, we will refund the cost of this shrimp. In such a case please inform us within an hour of delivery with a picture of the dead shrimp. If there was extensive damage to the packaging, we would be grateful for a picture of the box as well.
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